Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus PvP Guide

Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus PvP Guide

New world PvP objectives arrive in Phase 6 for both Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus. Alliance and Horde compete to gain zone wide buffs to benefit all members of their faction.

Armaments of Battle Guide

Armaments of Battle Guide

Dozens of new quests will appear at Light’s Hope Chapel come Phase 6 of WoW Classic. This guide will help you earn rewards from the Armaments of Battle quests. Though you may find the rewards lacking.

Scourge Invasion Guide

Scourge Invasion Guide

The Scourge Invasion is a limited time world event, heralding the arrival of Naxxramas. Protect cities and zones from undead invaders, and earn rewards useful again the undead. Including those in Naxxramas.

Consumables for Naxxramas

Consumables for Naxxramas

Naxxramas was designed to be “hardcore,” with the expectation that players would use all the tools available to them. Here we’ll go over the consumables you should be considering for your own runs into Naxxramas.

Naxxramas Preparation for Onyxia’s Bakery

Naxxramas Preparation

Naxxramas preparation guide specifically made for my guild, Onyxia’s Bakery on Pagle-Alliance. Covering all the basics, from attunement to frost resistance and Tier 3 armor, and dealing with increased raiding costs.

Tier 3 Armor Guide

Tier 3 Armor Guide

Each class has a Tier 3 armor set available from Naxxramas. In addition to the tokens from bosses you’ll also need a considerable amount of materials to turn in and receive your armor upgrade. This guide will help you prepare for getting your Tier 3 armor as quickly as possible.

Frost Resistance Gear for Naxxramas

Frost Resistance Gear for Naxxramas

Frost resistance gear for Naxxramas is mostly used during the Sapphiron fight. It will likely be required by everyone in the raid. You can get much, if not all, of what you need with quests and crafted gear. And you can start gathering the needed materials today.

Veiled Shadows Set for Rogues

Veiled Shadows Set for Rogues

Veiled Shadows is a 3-piece rogue set from AQ20. Each piece isn’t special for 40-man raiders. But together they offer a power set bonus, making them an early Phase 5 BiS set.

Silithus Field Duty Guide

Silithus Field Duty

Silithus Field Duty are repeatable quests you can solo or in a small group while waiting on AQ resets. Rewards include a best in slot caster bracer. And a powerful attack power trinket.