Each class has a Tier 3 armor set available from Naxxramas. They are token base like we saw in ZG and AQ. Trade good materials are needed to turn in Tier 3 armor tokens. A lot of materials for your whole Tier 3 armor set. The total value of which is high: 1,000-3,000 gold, depending on your class and server’s economy. This Tier 3 armor guide will help you identify the materials you need to gather. And the options available for getting everything, whether rich or paying for raids week by week.
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Druid | Hunter | Mage | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior
Do You Need Every Piece? | Cost of Materials
Tier 3 pieces require various “wartorn” items, which drop from the trash in Naxxramas. Expect your guild to collect and distribute these.
Also check out Frost Resistance Gear for Naxxramas, Consumables for Naxxramas, and Naxxramas Loot Guide.
Druid Tier 3 Armor Materials

Dreamwalker Raiment | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x15
- Cured Rugged Hide x6
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x12
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Nexus Crystal x1
- Chest
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x25
- Cured Rugged Hide x6
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Wrists
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x6
- Arcane Crystal x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x2
- Hands
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x8
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Nexus Crystal x1
- Waist
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x8
- Cured Rugged Hide x2
- Mooncloth x3
- Legs
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x20
- Cured Rugged Hide x8
- Nexus Crystal x1
- Feet
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x12
- Cured Rugged Hide x2
- Mooncloth x3
Total Materials To Gather for Druid Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcane Crystal x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x36
- Mooncloth x6
- Nexus Crystal x7
Hunter Tier 3 Armor Materials

Cryptstalker Armor | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x15
- Arcanite Bar x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x12
- Arcanite Bar x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Chest
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x25
- Arcanite Bar x4
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Wrists
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x6
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x2
- Hands
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Waist
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Nexus Crystal x3
- Legs
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x20
- Arcanite Bar x3
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Feet
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x12
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Nexus Crystal x3
Total Materials To Gather for Hunter Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcanite Bar x17
- Cured Rugged Hide x18
- Nexus Crystal x8
Mage Tier 3 Armor Materials

Frostfire Regalia | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x15
- Mooncloth x3
- Nexus Crystal x3
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x12
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Mooncloth x2
- Chest
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x25
- Mooncloth x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Wrists
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x6
- Arcane Crystal x1
- Nexus Crystal x1
- Hands
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x8
- Mooncloth x4
- Waist
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x8
- Arcane Crystal x2
- Mooncloth x2
- Legs
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x20
- Mooncloth x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Feet
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x12
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Mooncloth x2
Total Materials To Gather for Mage Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcane Crystal x3
- Cured Rugged Hide x6
- Mooncloth x21
- Nexus Crystal x6
Paladin Tier 3 Armor Materials

Redemption Armor | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x15
- Arcanite Bar x5
- Cured Rugged Hide x2
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x12
- Arcanite Bar x2
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Chest
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x25
- Arcanite Bar x4
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Wrists
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x6
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x2
- Hands
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Waist
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Nexus Crystal x3
- Legs
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x20
- Arcanite Bar x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Feet
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x12
- Arcanite Bar x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
Total Materials To Gather for Paladin Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcanite Bar x20
- Cured Rugged Hide x15
- Nexus Crystal x7
Priest Tier 3 Armor Materials

Vestments of Faith | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x15
- Mooncloth x3
- Nexus Crystal x3
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x12
- Mooncloth x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Chest
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x25
- Mooncloth x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Wrists
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x6
- Arcane Crystal x1
- Nexus Crystal x1
- Hands
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x8
- Mooncloth x4
- Waist
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x8
- Arcane Crystal x2
- Mooncloth x2
- Legs
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x20
- Mooncloth x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Feet
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x12
- Mooncloth x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
Total Materials To Gather for Priest Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcane Crystal x3
- Cured Rugged Hide x6
- Mooncloth x21
- Nexus Crystal x8
Rogue Tier 3 Armor Materials

Bonescythe Armor | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x15
- Cured Rugged Hide x8
- Nexus Crystal x1
- 75 Gold
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x12
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Nexus Crystal x1
- 50 Gold
- Chest
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x25
- Arcanite Bar x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x6
- Wrists
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x6
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x2
- 10 Gold
- Hands
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Waist
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x8
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Nexus Crystal x1
- 15 Gold
- Legs
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x20
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x8
- 100 Gold
- Feet
- Wartorn Leather Scrap x12
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Nexus Crystal x2
- 25 Gold
Total Materials To Gather for Rogue Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcanite Bar x5
- Cured Rugged Hide x42
- Nexus Crystal x5
- 275 Gold
Shaman Tier 3 Armor Materials

The Earthshatterer | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x15
- Arcanite Bar x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x12
- Arcanite Bar x2
- Mooncloth x2
- Chest
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x25
- Arcanite Bar x4
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Wrists
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x6
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x2
- Hands
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Waist
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Nexus Crystal x3
- Legs
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x20
- Arcanite Bar x3
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Feet
- Wartorn Chain Scrap x12
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Nexus Crystal x3
Total Materials To Gather for Shaman Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcanite Bar x17
- Cured Rugged Hide x15
- Mooncloth x2
- Nexus Crystal x8
Warlock Tier 3 Armor Materials

Plagueheart Raiment | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x15
- Mooncloth x3
- Nexus Crystal x3
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x12
- Mooncloth x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Chest
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x25
- Mooncloth x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Wrists
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x6
- Arcane Crystal x1
- Nexus Crystal x1
- Hands
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x8
- Mooncloth x4
- Waist
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x8
- Arcane Crystal x2
- Mooncloth x2
- Legs
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x20
- Mooncloth x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Feet
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap x12
- Mooncloth x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
Total Materials To Gather for Warlock Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcane Crystal x3
- Cured Rugged Hide x6
- Mooncloth x21
- Nexus Crystal x8
Warrior Tier 3 Armor Materials

Dreadnaught’s Battlegear | Source: Wowhead
- Head
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x15
- Arcanite Bar x5
- Nexus Crystal
- Shoulders
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x12
- Arcanite Bar x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Chest
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x25
- Arcanite Bar x4
- Nexus Crystal x2
- Wrists
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x6
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Nexus Crystal x1
- Hands
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Waist
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x8
- Arcanite Bar x1
- Cured Rugged Hide x5
- Legs
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x20
- Arcanite Bar x4
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
- Feet
- Wartorn Plate Scrap x12
- Arcanite Bar x2
- Cured Rugged Hide x3
Total Materials To Gather for Warrior Tier 3 Armor:
- Arcanite Bar x20
- Cured Rugged Hide x19
- Nexus Crystal x4
Do You Need Every Piece?
Before you dive into getting the list of materials from this Tier 3 armor guide take a look at the pieces, their stats, and the set bonus. Yes, overall Tier 3 armor is great. In vanilla, it lasted through much of the TBC leveling process. But it isn’t all great for all classes and specs.
The set bonus goes up to 8-piece. But there is a 9th set piece available to all classes. Kel’Thuzad drops class rings which are part of your Tier 3 armor and count toward the set bonuses. You may find you want that over a piece requiring materials. Adjust your mat shopping list accordingly.
We don’t know how much time we’ll have in Naxx. In vanilla TBC released 6 months later. There may not be enough time for everyone to get their full set. Waiting to buy materials at the last minute is going to cost you a lot more stress and gold. The gold you’ll want to save up for flying mounts in TBC later. That said, the value of these materials will likely start to drop as TBC approaches. You may be left holding materials not worth much. Personally, I’d rather get what I might need now. Then take the time we have to get the goal I want for TBC. It may end up being a bit more work in the end. But I won’t be worrying about materials while running Naxx. And I’ll have no hesitation hitting the need button when a Tier 3 token drops.
Cost of Materials
For many players the total cost of Tier 3 turn in materials is high. Especially for mail and plate wearers. That’s why it is important to start early. Right now, if you can. As a rule, prices go up over time. And once the rush to prep for Naxx begins you’ll likely see even faster price hikes. That said no one can 100% predict the future of the market.
Naxx Armor Cost Estimator – Copy this Google Sheets to your own Google account. Then enter material prices from your server’s auction house. It’ll give you an estimate of total material costs for all classes.
Professions – All Tier 3 armor materials come from professions. Leverage the ones you have. Made trade deals with your guildmates for the others you don’t. If you have more time than gold then think about leveling up an alt to run more profession cooldowns. A level 35 can create Arcanite Bars, Cured Rugged Hide, and Mooncloth. But you will need a bit of gold to buy the mats to skill them up.
When In Doubt, Run Scholomance – If every other form of gold farming fails for you then run Scholomance as much as possible. It is the most profitable 5-man dungeon for a group to run. Plus you get Argent Dawn rep (lowering the cost of Naxx attunement). Run with guildmates and put Dark Runes on round-robin (all need first drop, winners, pass on future drops until everyone has one, then repeat).