Dungeon Farms

Dungeon Farms

Traditional, open-world gold farming has a major drawback in the form of other players. Dungeon farms remove other players from your activities. There’s no one to compete or interfere with you. A moment of single-player bliss in an MMO. In exchange, you give up having a large selection of farm options.

Updated for WoW Classic Phase 6

Dungeon Farms

Scarlet Monastery Herbs | Zul’Farrak AoE Farm | Maraudon Rock Elemental Farm

Rogue Blackrock Depths Stealth Farm | Scholomance Group Farm | Hunter Dire Maul North Tribute Farm

See all my gold farming guides.

Scarlet Monastery Herbs

Not all dungeon farms have to involve combat. Herbalists can collect some high-value herbs inside the various Scarlet Monastery instances.


  • Instance farming, so no competition or interference from other players.
  • Can run three different instances (Armory, Library, and Graveyard) before having to reset.
  • Fast runs for level 50-60 players with little to no combat required.
  • Fadeleaf (Armory and Library) and Grave Moss (Graveyard) are in high demand.


  • Requires 160+ herbalism.
  • SM is very inconvenient to get to for Alliance, need to set up dedicated farming time.
  • No nearby options for clearing out your bags, especially for Alliance.
  • RNG can screw you out of any valuable herb nodes during a reset.
  • Limited to 5 instances per hour per character, 30 instances per day per character.

Profit = Depends on market rates

  • Fadeleaf and Grave Moss are both used to make Greater Shadow Protection Potion, a required consumable for taking on Loatheb in Naxxramas.
  • Sell them in full stacks of 20 and don’t sit on them. The market will eventually crash.
  • Other herbs have little to no value, maybe best to preserve your bag space.

Zul’Farrak AoE Dungeon Farms

Mages and warlocks can do AoE dungeon farms in Zul’Farrak (ZF). The big spot in the dungeon is the graveyards. You can get all the zombies out and there are reset spots in the area. Find a how-to video for your class to learn all the tricks.


  • Instance farming, so no competition or interference from other players.
  • ZF is close to Gadetzhan, making it an easier option to get to and easy to clear out your bags.
  • Doable at lower levels, some players use it as a leveling strategy.
  • Reset points within the dungeon help.
  • Herbalists can pick up extra gold from nodes insides.


  • Needs an int/stam focused farming set to do easily.
  • Possible to mess up and get killed, costing you time and gold.
  • Limited to 5 instances per hour per character, 30 instances per day per character.

Profit = Up to 50 gold per hour

  • Need herbalism to maximize income.
  • Raw gold, vendor trash, cloth, BoE greens, and blues.
  • Small chance of a valuable rare item.

Maraudon Rock Elemental Farm

The infinite Elemental Earth farm from Landslide is gone, but the regular rock elementals in Maraudon still drop Elemental Earth, Solid Stone, and good vendor trash.


  • Instance farming, so no competition or interference from other players.
  • Elemental Earth and Solid Stone both sell well on the auction house.
  • Plenty of vendor trash, can vendor BoPs from any bosses you can solo.
  • Miners and herbalists can pick up extra gold from nodes inside.


  • Mara is inconvenient to get to, need to set up dedicated farming time.
  • No nearby options for clearing out your bags.
  • Possible to mess up and get killed, costing you time and gold.
  • Limited to 5 instances per hour per character, 30 instances per day per character.

Having the Scepter of Celebras will speed up getting to where you’ll find the rock elementals.

Profit = Depends on market rates

  • Will depend on Elemental Earth and Solid Stone prices.
  • Sell Elemental Earth in stacks of 1 and 2.
  • Sell Solid Stone in even-numbered stacks, up to 20.

Rogue Blackrock Depths Stealth Farm

Blackrock Depth stealth and pickpocket runs are a long time popular option for rogues. At level 60 it is low risk, no competition, and decent payout. It won’t make you rich, but it’ll pay your Naxxramas raid bills and give you extra gold to save for TBC.


  • Instance farming, so no competition or interference from other players.
  • Not a lot of focus required once you’ve learned and practiced your route.
  • Can buy Relic Coffer Keys from the auction house and open the Relic Coffers for extra profit.
  • Can solo the Dark Coffer with some RNG luck.
  • Vendors available inside the instance to help clear your bags.
  • With good gear can solo some of the bosses for extra profit.


  • BRD is inconvenient to get to, need to set up dedicated farming time.
  • Possible to mess up and get killed, costing you time and gold.
  • Limited to 5 instances per hour per character, 30 instances per day per character.

Rogue BRD Farming Video Guides

Profit = 30-60 gold per hour

  • Your profit depends on how many things you do inside, how quickly, and if you get any lucky drops.
  • Expect gold per hour to start low and improve as you get more practiced.
  • The instance per character limits put a hard cap on gold/hour. It is inconvenient to go somewhere else and come back when your hour is up.

Scholomance Group Dungeon Farms

Scholomance is on average the best gold per hour for a 5-man dungeon group. If you and some guildmates need gold schedule a few hours to run through several resets of the instance.


  • Instance farming, so no competition or interference from other players.
  • Can have fun with friends and guildmates while you farm.
  • Argent Dawn rep for anyone still needing it.


  • Need a full group, including a tank and healer. Keep it with friends and guildmates.
  • Allowing alts will cut down on your gold per hour. They’ll slow down the run and take some of the gear to use.
  • Sharing drops is important for maintaining relationships.
  • Limited to 5 instances per hour per character, 30 instances per day per character.

Use a round-robin system for Dark Runes and BoPs no one needs:

  • When a Dark Rune drops everyone rolls for it. When the next Dark Rune drops the previous winner passes, while everyone else rolls. Continue until everyone has gotten one. Repeat.
  • Can do the same thing for blue BoPs from the bosses. Can either be per item or boss. And for green BoEs.

Profit = Varies

  • Dark Runes are the single most valuable item you’ll walk away with. If you don’t need the gold now consider saving them for later. They will still be in demand during TBC Classic.
  • Plenty of raw gold, vendor trash, Runecloth, and other items to vendor or auction.

Hunter Dire Maul North Tribute Farm

The most popular hunter farm is Dire Maul North tribute runs. You can find lots of guides and videos with details on how to pull off a solo run. The result is tribute loot in a chest and access to the king buff for you and others.


  • Instance farming, so no competition or interference from other players.
  • Dusty Tomes found throughout the dungeon contain books. Some are vendor trash, others sell at the auction house.
  • Major Healing Potions and Major Mana Potions in the tribute chest.
  • Vendor located inside the instance to clear bags.
  • Various profit options for the BoPs in the tribute chest.


  • Dire Maul is inconvenient to get to for Alliance, need to set up dedicated farming time.
  • Some materials are required, cutting into your profits.
  • Possible to mess up and get killed, costing you time and gold.
  • Limited to 5 instances per hour per character, 30 instances per day per character.

Blue quality BoP gear from tribute chest can be handled several ways:

  • Sell to a vendor (least profit per item)
  • Disenchant into Large Brilliant Shards (required enchanting)
  • Sell high-value items to other players (significant time sink and requires advertising in chat channels)

You also have the option of selling access to your cleared instance for players looking for world buffs.

Profit = Depends on how you handle tribute chest items

  • If there is a demand for certain items in the chest may be worth taking the time to sell to another player.
  • With low demand or farming during non-peak hours then it is best for the vendor and repeat rather than spend time looking for a buyer.
  • Selling access to instance could be higher gold per hour during the right time. But learn your baseline gold per hour first so you can compare.