Source: Wowhead
Dozens of new quests will appear at Light’s Hope Chapel come Phase 6 of WoW Classic. Most relate to the Armaments of Battle, offering various gear rewards. Kill quests will have you grind specific mobs for parts to turn in. Craftsman’s writs will have you turn in various items. This guide will help you review and earn rewards from the Armaments of Battle quests. Though many will find the rewards are not worth the effort.
Rewards | Requirements | Ice & Shadow Guard | Earning Insignias | Earning Rep
Armaments of Battle Rewards
Two quests are offering various rewards:
Superior Armaments of Battle – Blue quality items
- Sanctified Leather Helm – Caster/healer leather head
- Leggings of the Plague Hunter – Mail pants
- Band of Piety – Healer ring
- Band of Resolution – Tank ring
- Verimonde’s Last Resort – Caster/healer dagger
- Supply Bag – 18 slot bag
Some of these items may be an upgrade for characters who don’t raid. The 18-slot bag will be of interest to many. You can complete the quest more than once to get different rewards. But note that the bag and rings are unique.
Epic Armaments of Battle – Epic quality items
- Amulet of the Dawn – Caster/healer neck
- Medallion of the Dawn – Melee/hunter neck
- Bracers of Hope – Caster/healer wrist
- Bracers of Subterfuge – Melee leather wrist
- Talisman of Ascendance – Caster/healer trinket
- The Purifier – Gun
These are what I like to call epics for non-raiders. Like the blue rewards, they are likely upgrades for characters who don’t raid. But anyone geared up to go into Naxx will have no interest in these items. You can complete the quest more than once to get different rewards. But note that the trinket is unique.
Armaments of Battle Requirements
To complete either quest you need to be at least Friendly with the Argent Dawn and turn in a specific number of insignias. How many depends on your reputation level.
Superior Armaments of Battle
- Friendly: Insignia of the Dawn (30), Insignia of the Crusade (30)
- Honored: Insignia of the Dawn (20), Insignia of the Crusade (20)
- Revered: Insignia of the Dawn (7), Insignia of the Crusade (7)
- Exalted: Insignia of the Dawn (6), Insignia of the Crusade (6)
Epic Armaments of Battle
- Friendly: Insignia of the Dawn (110), Insignia of the Crusade (110)
- Honored: Insignia of the Dawn (75), Insignia of the Crusade (75)
- Revered: Insignia of the Dawn (45), Insignia of the Crusade (45)
- Exalted: Insignia of the Dawn (27), Insignia of the Crusade (27)
As you can see the requirements are extreme with lower reputation levels. On the bright side earning insignias will also earn you rep with the Argent Dawn.
Ice & Shadow Guard
Separately from the Armaments of Battle, you can also use some of your insignias for frost and shadow resistance enchants.
- Ice Guard – Adds 10 frost resistance to a head or leg item
- Requires Insignia of the Crusade (10) and 30 gold
- An important part of your frost resistance set
- Shadow Guard – Adds 10 shadow resistance to a head or leg item
- Requires Insignia of the Crusade (10) and 30 gold
- Reenforce a warlock tank’s shadow resistance set for Twin Emperors in AQ40
Earning Insignias
You’ll need Insignia of the Dawn and/or Insignia of the Crusade to earn rewards from the quests listed above. They are earned through repeatable quests found in Light’s Hope Chapel come Phase 6. Most deal with either killing specific creatures for parts or turning in specific crafted items.
Grinding Quests
Binding the Dreadnaught – Rewards Insignia of the Dawn
- Dark Iron Scraps (30)
- Drops from most humanoids in Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge
- Drops in larger quantities (3-5) from BRD
- Can be repeated by accepting the quest Dark Iron Scraps
The Elemental Equation – Rewards Insignia of the Dawn
- Core of Elements (30)
- Drops from elementals in Plaguelands, Azshara, Burning Steppes, Felwood, Silithus, Winterspring, and Un’goro Crater
- Drops in large quantities (3-5) from Dire Maul and BRD
- Can be repeated by accepting the quest Core of Elements
Savage Flora – Rewards Insignia of the Dawn or Insignia of the Crusade (your choice)
- Savage Fronds (30)
- Drops from Felwood treants and Un’goro lashers
- Drops in large quantities (3-5) from plant creatures in Dire Maul East and West
- Can be repeated by accepting the quest Savage Fronds
- Offers reward choice between an Insignia of Dawn or Crusade
Bonescythe Digs – Rewards Insignia of the Crusade
- Bone Fragments (30)
- Drops off of any skeletal creatures in Western and Eastern Plaguelands
- Drops in larger quantities (3-5) from skeletal creatures in Stratholme and Scholomance
- Can be repeated by accepting the quest Bone Fragments
Cryptstalker Armor Doesn’t Make Itself – Rewards Insignia of the Crusade
- Crypt Fiend Parts (30)
- Drops off of crypt fiends found in Plaguewood, Terrordale, and Terrorweb tunnel
- Drops in larger quantities (3-5) from crypt fiends in Stratholme and Scholomance
- Can be repeated by accepting the quest Crypt Fiend Parts
In the open world, there will only be so many spots to grind most of these mobs, and many Classic servers have larger populations than during vanilla. Likewise drops from dungeons will only go so far if other party members are on the same quest. Expect to put hours into earning insignias with these quests.
All the drop items from above can be farmed from the related mobs without the quest. The items are new parts of their regular loot table, not quest items. They can also be traded and sold at the auction house.
Craftsman’s Writs
Speak to Dispatch Commander Metz in Light’s Hope Chapel and pick up the quest They Call Me “The Rooster”. It requires you to turn in an Argent Dawn Valor Token for a Sealed Craftsman’s Writ. This is worth doing once, even if you don’t intend to complete a writ quest. The initial quest rewards 200 Argent Dawn rep for a 25 rep token. Repeating this step involves the quest Craftsman’s Writ which only awards 10 rep.
Each writ starts a random quest to turn in specific items. Like the Logistics quests from the Silithus Field Duty series. But unlike the ones in Silithus it costs you a valuable rep token to get a new quest. Making farming for specific turn-ins costly.
Here are the various items a writ may request. I’ve organized them by profession.
- Flask of Petrification (1)
- Greater Arcane Protection Potion (15)
- Major Healing Potion (20)
- Major Mana Potion (10)
- Dense Weightstone (120)
- Huge Thorium Battleaxe (3)
- Imperial Plate Chest (3)
- Radiant Circlet (3)
- Volcanic Hammer (3)
- Gnomish Battle Chicken (4)
- Goblin Sapper Charge (20)
- Thorium Grenade (20)
- Thorium Tube (14)
- Lightning Eel (30)
- Plated Armorfish (30)
- Stonescale Eel (40)
- Rugged Armor Kit (25)
- Runic Leather Pants (4)
- Wicked Leather Belt (9)
- Wicked Leather Headband (10)
- Brightcloth Pants (6)
- Runecloth Bag (8)
- Runecloth Boots (8)
- Runecloth Robe (8)
As you can see they range greatly in cost. Some easily cost less than 10 gold on my server. But others cost upwards of 80-180 gold. The average is around 30 gold per writ on my server, as of Phase 5 prices. That isn’t awful, but again you can’t control which writ you’ll get. And you only have so many spare tokens to try your luck.
Writ of Safe Passage
Twice a day, between 6:00-8:00 am/pm server time, a mule train is sent out from Light’s Hope Chapel. Players must escort it and ensure that none of the donkeys are killed. Once the train has reached its destination players can pick up and complete Writ of Safe Passage, to be turned in back in LHC.
You can choose between an Insignia of Dawn or Crusade as your reward.
Earning Argent Dawn Rep

Argent Dawn banner | Source: The Argent Archives
If you don’t want any of the rewards these quests can still offer you Argent Dawn rep. The more you have the cheaper your attunement to Naxxramas. But keep in mind these quests arrive with the same content update that brings Naxx. You’ll need to be close to crossing into the next rep level, and get these quests done before your guild’s raid.
You can earn 1200 Argent Dawn rep by completing all of these quests once. Repeating these quests will earn you far less rep.
- Binding the Dreadnaught – 200 rep
- The Elemental Equation – 200 rep
- Bonescythe Digs – 200 rep
- Cryptstalker Armor Doesn’t Make Itself – 200 rep
- Savage Flora – 200 rep
- They Call Me “The Rooster” – 200 rep
Repeating any of the kill quests will only earn you 10 rep each time. Turning in a Craftman’s Writ will earn you 50 rep. Repeat a Craftsman’s Writ earns you a total of 60 rep (10 for turning in a token, 50 for completing the quest). But keep in mind you have to spend an Argent Dawn Valor Token (worth 25 rep itself) to receive a new writ quest.