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TBC Classic Phase 4 Launch Guide

Phase 4 of TBC Classic has been announced to release starting March 22, 2022. The upcoming changes and new content will rollover over two different days that week. This TBC Classic Phase 4 launch guide goes over what players will want to know before the new content arrives.

Tuesday, March 22 – TBC Classic Phase 4 Release

Here’s a list of what elements of Phase 4 we’re expecting to be available immediately after maintenance and Phase 4 is activated.

G’eras, Badge of Justice vendor in the center of Shattrath

The World’s End Tavern in Lower City, Shattrath

Zephyr will teleport you to Caverns of Time with the proper rep

Official TBC Classic 2.5.4 Patch Notes

Thursday, March 24 – TBC Classic Phase 4 New Content Release

The remainder of Phase 4 new content and changes will start at 3:00 PM PDT/6:00 PM EDT on Thursday or the release week.

Amani War Bear

What To Do Before Phase 4

Blizzard only gave us a week’s notice on the launch date when all Phase 4 content would be available. So there is little time left to do any big preparation.

Go through the new BoJ gear and ZA loot to see what upgrades are available

TBC Classic Phase 4 Badge of Justice Gear

Zul’Aman Bosses: Eagle | Bear | Dragonhawk | Lynx | Hex Lord | Zul’jin

Zul’Aman Timed Event Chest

Brush up on Zul’Aman boss guides, especially if you want to go for the bear mount on your first run

Zul’Aman All Bosses + Trash & Mount Route – 30 Second Guides (video) by Farts Gaming

Zul’Aman Raid Guide (video) by Crix

Zul’Aman Pace Notes (text) by Askalon-Pagle <Our Legacy>

Leatherworkers should have mats ready to make Great Drums of Battle

Heavy Knothide Leather x6

Thick Clefthoof Leather x4

Don’t stress over running as many heroics as possible before Thursday

If you have little to no BoJ saved up it is too late to get enough for all the gear you may want on the first day. Instead make time to run raids after Phase 4 drops, especially Karazhan and 2-3 ZA runs per week. Those two raids will give you more BoJ per hour than any other option, much more than heroic dungeons give you before Phase 4.

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