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Player Services for Gold

While not what most players think of when it comes to gold farming, providing player services is a legitimate way to earn some gold. It requires you to have the proper class available and decent communication skills. In many cases, it won’t be as much gold per hour as a full-on farm. But it requires less attention and effort once underway. A good way to make some gold while hanging out with guildmates in Discord or watching videos.

Updated for WoW Classic Phase 6

Know Your Raiders & World Buffs

Hunter Dire Maul North Tribute Access | Mage Portals | Warlock Summons | Tanking Dungeons

See all my gold farming guides.

Know Your Raiders & World Buffs

Most of these services involve helping raiders get world buffs in a more time-efficient manner. So you need to understand how world buffs work on your server.

If you haven’t joined your server’s Discord find an invite link and sign up. Coordination and communication of world buffs are often found there.

Hunter Dire Maul North Tribute Access

The most popular hunter farm is Dire Maul North tribute runs. You can find lots of guides and videos with details on how to pull a solo run. The result is tribute loot in a chest and access to the king buff. That king buff is what opens up player services around your newly cleared instance.



Offering Your Player Services

You’ll want to have some experience running the instance first. After that automate as much of the process as you can.

Rotate Around the Competition

Profit Potential

You could earn 125 gold per hour, but in most cases, it’ll be less.

Team Up for More Profit

Mage Portals

Mages are accustom to being paid for various player services. Their food and water were in demand during our leveling days. Now the easiest way a mage can make gold is by offering access to portals. Though not necessarily the best gold per hour. If you have a mage alt level 40 or higher you can also get in on the action.



Offering Your Player Services

You’ll need to get ready to offer portal services ahead of time. Prime raid hours are no time to run out of portal reagents.

Once ready the workflow for providing portals is fairly easy given you don’t have to force a trade with every customer.

Profit Potential

It’ll vary as your income will by a tip on most servers.

Team Up for More Profit

Warlock Summons

Warlocks can get in on the world buff player services action by selling summons. The barrier to entry is higher than for a mage, but you can pull it off with a level 20 warlock alt if you wish.



Offering Your Player Services

You’ll need to get ready to offer summoning services ahead of time. Prime raid hours are no time to be caught farming up Soul Shards.

Once ready the workflow for providing summons is fairly easy with the help of your addon.

Profit Potential

You can make 133-240 gold per session, assuming a full load of Soul Shards and sharing profits with your partners.

Team Up for More Profit

Tanking Dungeons

Any warrior, paladin, or feral druid with the proper gear and experience can turn their tanking into player services. You don’t need to be the main tank for your raid team, but you need to be a regular tank. This is not something a DPS warrior with little tanking gear and no pull experience should jump into. When players pay for a tank they expect a smooth run. This service can be more controversial than the others above. You would not be the first tank to want compensation for running a dungeon they don’t need. But some players take exception to the issue, so be aware.



Offering Your Player Services

Primarily you’ll need to settle on a fee to charge. You have a couple of options and should go with what lands you the most jobs.

Profit Potential

It depends on your chosen fee and how much demand you see. Don’t expect more than one dungeon run per hour. If you just want gold to try a more regular farm. If you love to the tank then the gold is a nice bonus.

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