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Emblem of Heroism and Emblem of Valor

Wrath of the Lich King Classic introduces several new currencies for buying various gear and items. Among the first new currencies is Emblem of Heroism and Emblem of Valor. You start completing them even before you reach level 80 and start clearing heroic dungeons. This guide will go over Emblem of Heroism and Emblem of Valor, where to acquire them, and what to spend them on.

Emblem of Heroism | Emblem of Valor

About Emblems

Emblems are the new heroic dungeon and raid currency system replacing Badges of Justice in WotLK Classic. It is a much more complicated system, which changes with each new raid content release. However, Blizzard is trying to make things more uniform in WotLK Classic.

There are five emblems in WotLK:

As the expansion progresses a new emblem will be introduced with new raid content. An older emblem will then be moved to heroic dungeons and older raid content. In original WotLK, higher-level emblems could be traded down (1 for 1) to lower-level emblems to get older rewards.

Emblem of Heroism

Emblem of Heroism will be found in heroic dungeons and rewarded for completing phase-shifting quests during WotLK Classic Phase 1. Players who quest through Storm Peaks and Icecrown and unlock all phases of those zones will have a starting number of Emblem of Heroism before entering their first heroic dungeon.

Farming heroic dungeons will be the only repeatable method of earning Emblem of Heroism. It will likely be possible to exchange an Emblem of Valor for an Emblem of Heroism, but in most cases that will be a bad trade during Phase 1.

Emblem of Heroism Rewards

Vendors in Dalaran will exchange Emblem of Heroism for a variety of items.

ilvl 200 PvE epics – Equivalent to 10-player raid loot

Tier 7 tokens

ilvl 200 PvP rares (Savage Gladiator)

Frozen Orb

Reins of the Wooly Mammoth (Alliance | Horde)

PvE Heirlooms

You can see a full list of items here. Note the epic gems listed would only be for sale after the release of Trials of the Crusader.

Emblem of Valor

Emblem of Valor will drop in Naxxramas, The Eye of Eternity, Obsidian Sanctum, and Vault of Archavon. Both in 10-man and 25-man versions of each instance.

Emblem of Valor Rewards

Vendors in Dalaran will exchange Emblem of Valor for a variety of items.

ilvl 213 PvE epics – Equivalent to 25-player raid loot

Tier 7.5 tokens

ilvl 200 PvP epics (Hateful Gladiator)

Emblem of Heroism

You can see a full list of items here.

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